Singapore opens up for B30 bunkering
Singapore-registered bunker vessels will be allowed to carry and deliver stems with up to 30% (B30) biofuel from tomorrow.
PHOTO: Vitol has invested in IMO Type II chemical tankers, like the Marine Future in Singapore, which can carry up to B100 for delivery. Vitol
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has set out to implement the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) interim guidance on biofuels early.
Last month, the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response finalised interim guidance to allow bunker tankers to carry up to 30% bio-blends (B30), from up to 25% bio-blends (B25) earlier. Blends exceeding this limit must be transported on IMO Type II chemical tankers.
This is poised to shake up the Singapore biofuel bunker market, as only some bunker suppliers have been able to deliver blends above 25% biofuel, and have defaulted to 24% (B24) blends to err on the safe side of the hard 25% limit. Vitol and Fratelli Cosulich are among the suppliers that have invested in IMO Type II chemical tankers, which are allowed to carry up to 100% (B100) biofuel.
As the IMO guidance has global reach, it could also pave the way for other ports to follow suit. Suppliers in ports like Gibaltar, Fujairah and Hong Kong have also defaulted to B24 blends because of the IMO's 25% limit.
“The [interim] guidance allows conventional bunker ships certified under MARPOL Annex I to transport biofuel blends up to 30%, provided all residues or tank washings are discharged ashore unless ODME [oil discharge monitoring equipment] is approved for the blend,” the Liberian Registry wrote in a social media post. The Liberian Registry chaired the group that developed the guidelines.
The MPA has urged “shipowners, ship managers, operators and masters” of Singapore-registered conventional bunker carriers to comply with this circular. “There is no requirement to seek MPA’s separate approval,” the circular said.
Singapore-registered vessels calling at foreign ports should obtain approval from the respective port authorities before carrying B30 onboard, the MPA added.
By Konica Bhatt
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